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Miss Sahara Kaplan, will attend to you (in English) at Phone No. +972 3 546 88 88

In case of emergency, call Gabriel Hanner at his
cellular: +972 50 552 33 33

Israel Tax Treaties

Israel is a signatory to a Treaty for the Prevention of Double Taxation with 37 countries all over the world. Draft agreements with additional countries are at the discussion stages.

A Double Taxation Prevention Treaty, in principle, enables offsetting tax paid in one of 2 countries against the tax payable in the other, in this way preventing double taxation.

Another important factor is the grant of an exemption or tax at a reduced rate on certain receipts such as interest, royalties, dividends, capital gains and others that are connected with a transaction carried out between parties associated with the Double Taxation Prevention Treaty.

It is of the utmost importance to stress that the Double Taxation Prevention Treaty takes precedence, in all cases, over the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance. In other words, if certain income is taxable under the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance but there is an exemption (reduced tax) under any Taxation Treaty, the income is taxed, if at all, but only according to the provisions of the Taxation Treaty.

Double Taxation Agreements : List of Countries

Recipient of the payment is a resident of the following country From royalties From interest From a dividend From capital gains
Austria 10 15 25 Exempt
Italy 10 10 10:15 Exempt
Ireland 10 5:10 10 Exempt
United States of America 15 10:17.5 12.5:25 Exempt
Belgium 10 15 15 Exempt
Great Britain and N. Ireland Exempt 15 15 Exempt
Jamaica 10 15 22: 5 : 15 Exempt
Germany 5 15 25 Exempt
Denmark 10 25 25 Exempt
South Africa Exempt 25 25 Exempt
South Korea 10 7.5: 10 5: 10: 15 Exempt
India 10 10 10 Exempt
Holland 5 15 5 : 10: 15 Exempt
Hungary Exempt Exempt 5:15 Exempt
Turkey 10 6:10 10 Exempt
Greece 10 10 25 Exempt
Japan 10 10 5:15 Normal tax
Norway 10 10 25 Exempt
China 10 7:10 10 Exempt
Singapore Exempt 15 Exempt Normal tax
Poland 5:10 5 5:10 Exempt
Philippines 15 10 10: 15 Exempt
Finland 10 10 5: 10: 15 Exempt
Czech Republic 5 10 5:15 Normal tax
France 10 5:10 5:15 Exempt
Canada 15 15 15 Exempt
Rumania 10 5:10 15 Exempt
Sweden Exempt 25 Exempt Exempt
Thailand 15 15 15 Exempt

Miss Sahara Kaplan, will attend to you (in English) at Phone No. +972 3 546 88 88

In case of emergency, call Gabriel Hanner at his
cellular: +972 50 552 33 33

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